Urban Grandstand Digital Issue 11: Stacy Rose | Page 56


  or all the interviews I do, there’s always an artists who sticks out like a sore thumb, and Penny Shaw stands strong in that bunch. I’m so proud, beyond words, to have the opportunity of presenting him to you and the ever-growing audience here at U.G. Digital Magazine. Much like we’re selective in regard to what we cover and present here, he’s an artist of the same nature. In an industry that has become saturated with nonsense, Shaw stands mightily on his own level. He’s taken the time to build a brand, not from what he’s been surrounded by, but what he, himself, wants to see from an artist. His brand is based on what he wants to represent, how he wants to be remembered, and ultimately, what he represents in life. As the title suggests, it’s all in the Art of Integrity.

Never is it about bashing anyone here, but I will be honest though. Integrity in this business is at an all-time low. There’s so many who conform based on what the rest of the crowd is doing, and it’s beyond refreshing to come across an artist who, although they want popularity, is not willing to budge against their own beliefs, style, and character to attain it. What also reigns clear, not only from this conversation, but just from looking at his journey is when you’re free and willing to be yourself, the popularity is inevitable. Penny Shaw is coasting at an all-time high, and as he puts it himself, he hasn’t even reached the pinnacle yet. Trust, it is coming though. It’s only a matter of time.

In our exclusive, we talk, not just about the simple stuff, but we really get into his mind about his journey thus far in the industry, and how Ill City Blues has put him on that level that so many aspire for. He talks openly about the work he’s putting in as an independent artist to build his brand, who inspired him from his own neighborhood of Queens, the unity he’s built among his team that is ultimately pushing him to the top, and so much more. I’m proud of this feature because among everything, Penny Shaw represents the type of artists that I as the publisher LOVE to present here. His artistry and character is what I envisioned in the artists that we would spotlight with U.G. Digital. Hopefully, you all love his story!

With that being said, I present to you: Penny Shaw: The Art of Integrity.

U.G. Digital Mag: Again, I appreciate you for your time. I love how different you are from everything else out today. I talk to a lot of people in general about the changes in hip-hop. I’m almost 40, and I never want to sound like my parents, but I feel like a lot of the direction hip-hop has gone, I struggle to get into it. The good thing is there are