Urban Grandstand Digital Issue 11: Stacy Rose | Page 26

I didn’t want to touch it because I was producing for the first time. I didn’t want to play such a difficult role, and produce for the first time. My manager at the time talked me into it, and I’m glad she did. That film did very well. It has become a classic in Nigeria. I won a lot of awards and earned a lot of accolades for my work. It’s difficult to switch roles, but I would do it again, especially when it is widely accepted.

U.G. Digital Mag: Now that you’ve gotten good on both sides, which would you choose if you had to make a choice?

Rita Dominic: Acting, definitely.

U.G. Digital Mag: I love that you’re working to show Africa for the beauty that it has.

Rita Dominic: Television is such a strong tool, and I think people have to begin to understand that if we want to change the minds of the public.

U.G. Digital Mag: For everyone wanting to stay updated with you and the film, where can they go to online?

Rita Dominic: They can follow me on Twitter at @ritaudominic, and on Instagram at @ritadominic, and Facebook. They can follow the film on Instagram at @76themovieng … there’s a website as well, which is www.76movie.com, and my website of course.