Urban Grandstand Digital Issue 11: Stacy Rose | Page 20

Divine Brown: That’s the thing. Those are the type of artists I love. The ones who show their growth. The artist that’s not afraid of challenges, and constantly looking for ways to challenge themselves. I’m a storyteller, and I own it wholeheartedly. I tell a story with my voice, with my body on stage, and the sound that comes out. Whatever is necessary to paint the picture the best way possible, that’s what it is.

U.G. Digital Mag: Where can everyone find you online?

Divine Brown: My website, www.divinebrown.com, I’m on Instagram under @divine_brown_music, and I’m on Twitter under @divinamarrom

U.G. Digital Mag: Words of encouragement and final comments. What words do you leave to those wanting to pursue this business?

Divine Brown: Don’t be afraid to step off the edge, meaning don’t be afraid to take chances. The chances help you align yourself with the people you need in your life and circle. That’s what gets you noticed.