Urban Grandstand Digital Issue 11: Stacy Rose | Page 137

That makes it easy for artists who may be left of center. They can prove they have a fanbase.

U.G. Digital Mag: I love the fact you’re out there and doing this. There’s a market for it. You just have so many people who are scared basically. They’re scared to really break the norm and go in a different direction.

Jean-Dominique: Absolutely.

U.G. Digital Mag: It’s good to take in different types of music. I grew up around music too, and we heard so many different types of music. From all ends of the spectrum, we grew up listening to everything from gospel traditional and nontraditional to rock, pop, R&B, and rap. With your music, you’re doing something really powerful. You’re teaching people how to erase the fear.

Jean-Dominique: Absolutely. I thank you so much for saying that. I’ve sat with top execs in the business, and they say exactly what you’re saying in regard to fear. Early on, people didn’t understand these A&R guys only got a few shots, and if they’re stuff didn’t stick, they were out of there. So I never took it too bad because I knew they were fearful of the repercussions. They weren’t willing to take a step out on a limb. I was OK with it and I wouldn’t make an excuse, or say I couldn’t get on because of them. What can I do? Then social media came about, and I had 3000 and 4000 people following me. Sometimes you have to validate yourself. For any artist that has a fear of doing a certain type of music, just do it. You can’t think that you’re the only person that wants to see it. There has to be at least another million people who feel the same. Do whatever you want and feel.

U.G. Digital Mag: I think overall, when you have that authenticity, people will gravitate to it.

Jean-Dominique: I agree.

U.G. Digital Mag: It almost doesn’t matter what you do. People will draw to it. You’re being yourself with people, so I can see you’re not trying to do something that isn’t you.

Jean-Dominique: Real recognizes real. That’s the easiest way to break it down. People gravitate to that.

U.G. Digital Mag: Talk a little about your project and the process of putting it together.

Jean-Dominique: The projects out there, they were really to test the waters. They are more like that. This was what I wanted to do, and I wanted to see how it would go. My process is different than most people. Some people wake up, go to the studio, write a song, and come up with a concept. Me, I have to live life. I do my daily, and I may see something happen, and that’s what I write about. For “You’re a Star”, it came up on 4th of July. I thought she was amazing, and by the time I got to her, she was gone. That really was how that came about. I live life where it’s at. With this new project, it took me a while to figure out what I wanted to do. I do some songs where I rap the whole time, or sing the whole time. It took me a while to figure out what I wanted to do. Now, I’m in the process of creating it. I have at least 6 tracks that are ready, and it should be ready by the end of the year. I literally write about 25 new songs a month. This project will be fun. I wanted it to have a sexier vibe. I’m singing about early stages of relationships. I’m super excited.

U.G. Digital Mag: How do you want to be seen as an artist?

Jean-Dominique: I want to be seen as a guy who was never scared to take chances. Like, when it comes to fashion, I’m into a lot of different things. Am I into the Gucci and chains? Not really, but some days I am. Some days I’m into skateboarding fashion. I want to be remembered as someone who was about making sure people had a good time. I’m positive, and free to be myself and let others be themselves.

U.G. Digital Mag: I love what you have man. I think you have a big career a head, and so many people are looking for what you offer. It’s good to have this opportunity. Given how many people are following you already, and how active you are with your social media, what type of words of encouragement do you have for those really trying to get into music?