Urban Grandstand Digital Issue 11: Stacy Rose | Page 130

We gave it to him and blocked himself off in the studio. Within 24 hours, he had me come and record it. We put it out and I charted on iTunes with it. It was number eight on the independent charts. That was my first song.

U.G. Digital Mag: That’s so amazing, especially to chart immediately. I think you have something genuine, and real, and that’s why it charted so quickly.

Anjaleia McDonald: Thank you so much. I had to learn quickly how to take myself and mind to a different place. I had to be a character and express what the lyrics were saying. It taught me so many things recording that song.

U.G. Digital Mag: Why was it so difficult to connect?

Anjaleia McDonald: Overthinking.

U.G. Digital Mag: I agree. A lot of times, we second guess ourselves.

Anjaleia McDonald: I was really overthinking. In the end, it was like hey, just do it.

U.G. Digital Mag: Definitely a good move. Talk about what else has gone on after that?

Anjaleia McDonald: I did my second single, “I Got It” featuring Lex Lu, and we did a video for it in downtown L.A.. Then we did Boomerang, which earned me and the Track Martians production team a distribution deal with Universal and Groove/E1. He got to have it on Jack Thriller and Thisis50.com. It was really amazing. We put a lot of hard work behind it. I have songs featured on Timex Records, Mario Wilson, and I’ve done records with all types of people.

U.G. Digital Mag: You’re doing really amazing. What direction are you going with new material?

Anjaleia McDonald: I’m in the same direction. I was taught the best artists are a mirror of society. I connect with people around me and pick up on different vibes and situations. I think its important that we uplift each other. Again, I promote self love and empower women. It all goes off emotion. If I can connect with it, then its meant to be. Nothing is forced.

U.G. Digital Mag: Any timeline on releasing new material?

Anjaleia McDonald: Definitely very soon.

U.G. Digital Mag: What are people at home saying about you and your success?

Anjaleia McDonald: I feel like I’m running with the wind. They’re like wow, you’re doing so much. I agree, but I have so much more to do. They are very proud of me. My mom is so happy, and my father as well.

U.G. Digital Mag: A lot of it is just they want you to do well. You’re pushing positivity and that’s really what they want. How much are you going outside of Cali to perform?

Anjaleia McDonald: I’ve done one outside of Cali, but otherwise I’m performing twice a week.

U.G. Digital Mag: Well again, you’re doing amazing. In regard to being independent, What has it really been like for you?

Anjaleia McDonald: It’s been fine. I aim to make sure I finish what I start. I like to complete all my tasks. I don’t like things being scattered.

U.G. Digital Mag: What else can we look out for from you?

Anjaleia McDonald: I have my website complete. It’s anjaleia.com. You can read my bio, see pictures, learn about upcoming shows, and so on. A few other things are happening that I just can’t say just yet, but things are moving. I’m also sponsored by Angel Green, and also Y Band. Y Band is a new social site for musicians. you can find me on Y Bands, and also musiclessons.us … I also appreciate Capital Gains. You can find their clothes pretty much anywhere. Definitely in Topanga Mall in Woodland Hills.

U.G. Digital Mag: Any final comments at all?

Anjaleia McDonald: Its really important to love yourself. We have one life to live, and it’s important to take risks. Do what makes you happy. Don’t let others dictate your destiny. Stay gracious and do what makes you happy.