Urban Grandstand Digital Issue 11: Stacy Rose | Page 123

Peep our exclusive with Neo Soul newcomer Indy Tyton! She’s got an amazing voice, and has been making a lot of noise around the world. Se what’s got the world all excited in our new feature!

U.G. Digital Mag: I really appreciate you taking part in this issue. When you think of the term Neo Soul, I really think of you. Talk about your venture into this, but what took you in that direction?

Indi Tyton: I think for me, as far as how I got into music, I come from a musical family. Music basically chose me. I tried everything else under the sun. I music going into the genre of Neo Soul, my vocal instructors use to have me sing more Opera because I have a higher voice. When I moved to Nashville, my coach thought I was more suited for Jazz. It never crossed my mind, but the funny thing was my grandmother was a Jazz singer. She had her own band, but I never considered it. Once I started writing music, I took my love for Jazz and R&B, and just combined it. Most of the songs I write and that I’ve released fall under the umbrella of Neo Soul.

U.G. Digital Mag: In terms of overall marketing, what has been your experience in getting your music out?

Indi Tyton: Well, as an independent artist, I find that it is getting better, now that I embrace having more of a team and having people I can work with and trust. I can get it out more. A lot of my music is played in the UK. My last two singles are rotating out there. The challenge has been finding a way to get it out here. The way people find out here is through touring, and more marketing. Once I can get out more, that challenge will be lifted. When most people hear it, I get positive responses. It’s really just getting it to them, and having the manpower.

U.G. Digital Mag: I love the songs I’ve been able to hear. Those being “My Life’ and “Something about You”, Talk about those songs and what they represent?

Indi Tyton: “My Love” details my relationship with my husband, and “Something About You”, as far as meeting people in the past, I consider myself shy, and more of an introvert. It reminded me of a time when you see someone and you’re afraid to talk to them. I thought people would be able to relate.

U.G. Digital Mag: I love the songs. What type of response have you been getting with those?

Indi Tyton: People have been relating to them. That’s the response I’m getting, especially for “My Love”. The hook is catchy, and some people approach me singing the song. That shows me how successful it has been.

U.G. Digital Mag: Getting back to your artistry, what was your goal to get across?

Indi Tyton: That you can do anything you want to do. My first album was called “Society’s View”. The actual title track discusses being the person you’re supposed to be. Sometimes, it may not be status quo. At this point in life, I’m 40 years old, I have 3 Master’s degrees, and I’m getting a Doctorate right now. That’s a personal goal of mine. On an intellectual level, I enjoy that, and I’m also an artist. What I’m getting across is not just musicianship, but as a brand, I’m motivating people. I’m a wife, and a mom, but this is my leading purpose. Aside from everything I’m meant to do in life, this is how I relate to others. Musically, I had to recognize my voice and the tone I have is different than most. I knew that how I came off as an artist was different. People say my voice is soothing. People listen to my songs when they want to be motivated, or want to feel better. I feel blessed to be able to evoke those feelings from my audience.

U.G. Digital Mag: It’s great that you’ve been big on education. That’s something that will help you with this industry. You’ll know the background, and people won’t be able to take advantage as much. Being that you’ve done this and earned your education behind it, what gave you the courage to pursue it all artistically?

Indi Tyton: Being in the industry is hard. You have to be out and about. Everybody wants you to be this perfect person. You have to worry about your image.