Urban Grandstand Digital Issue 11: Stacy Rose | Page 12

U.G. Digital Mag: I love the way you talk, especially talking about the digital age and how it affects you. I can tell from your conversations that you’re intensely involved. You have a lot of artists who claim to be independent, and claim to be moguls, but they don’t want to do the work that comes with it. They just want to say they are the boss, but they have no idea what it takes. They then get upset when the level of success doesn’t match their dreams.

Your conversation shows you know what’s going on, and you’re truly working. Your name is something to be heard in your area. Why do you think it’s been so difficult for your music to make it outside of Canada?

Divine Brown: I think it’s a number of reasons, and we may not even have enough time. Some things that come up immediately is the outreach of some of the labels here. I wasn’t sure, for me anyway, having a few different experiences at different points. They don’t have the kind of relationships that they advertise with their worldwide counterparts.


Divine Brown: It definitely helps me grow as an artist. It’s brand new territory however. That’s what makes it exciting. It’s like the mantra of stepping off the ledge to know your potential. You won’t know until you step off. You’ll never know until you allow yourself the courageousness to do that. I think that is the place I am at right now. I have grown from each of my frustrations that I’ve run into. I don’t think they are a negative thing. They are opportunities for me to learn. The only way to move higher is to learn from things like that, and the seemingly negative experiences. I have to use those opportunities to say ok, maybe I’ll do this differently next time. I will take this into my own hands now, and see where it takes me.

U.G. Digital Mag: I love the way you talk, especially talking about the digital age and how it affects you. I can tell from your conversations that you’re intensely involved. You have a lot of artists who claim to be independent, and claim to be moguls, but they don’t want to do the work that comes with it. They just want to say they are the boss, but they have no idea what it takes. They then get upset when the level of success doesn’t match their dreams.