Urban Grandstand Digital Issue 11: Stacy Rose | Page 10

Every artist looks for ways to learn, grow, and be inspired through their journey, but to be one that aspires to foster that growth to others, it says something pretty amazing about you. In the many features we offer here at U.G. Digital, we aim to bring you artists who embody that spirit, and who work tirelessly to give back to the very culture they’ve worked so hard to be a part of. I’m clear that we’re fulfilling that mission with Divine Brown. Her spirit is like that of no other you’ll see or hear. Her work is truly amazing, so much that as an independent artists, she’s already been recognized with a Juno award, which as most know, is the Canadian equivalent of a Grammy award. Understand though, that while she’s grateful for that, it definitely hasn’t defined her path. That definition comes from the grind she’s put in, what she’s gotten back, and the many things she has yet to conquer.