Uptown Jazz Dallas' JAZZ BlastDFW Issue 1 | Page 3

JAZZ blast


increasing your jazz base!

JAZZblastdfw / Sept, 2013 3

hose familiar with our great North Texas jazz movement know that our festival organization is committed to developing the region's fan base to levels that can support the introduction of a top-tier international jazz festival. Part of that mission mandates educating an ever increasing populous in our region (which now boasts 6.5 million residents) to what exists in our jazz landscape. For Dallas/Fort Worth natives, it may be common knowledge as to where you can experience great jazz performances. But, for all of the thousands of new transplants, we've found that they don't have a clue. In no small part, this is due to many of them getting their information from people who were likewise transplants themselves. They didn't know where to find the jazz scene when they arrived. You'd be surprised how many times I get asked, "Keith, where can I see some jazz"? That was partly the reason why I started the Jazz Around Town videos.

So, we've found that so many people are misinformed that it would probably be a good time to introduce our new ePublication - Jazz BlastDFW. This exclusive online publication will feature dynamic paid advertisements from venues, promoters, businesses and recording artists who want you to know that they exist.

We'll also tie-in our popular Jazz Around Town videos that take a casual look at some of the jazz spots we've checked out. Then, there's the constantly updating list of upcoming CD releases from Artists of Interest (AOI) to the Festival Department. Many of these artists are featured in our popular Set-List player on the Front Page of UptownJazzDallas.com. For those interested, we oftentimes have them available for purchase in our digital-download store. So, be sure to click on everything. It'll take you places. And, where appropriate we'll give you 'first-wave' updates on the development of Uptown Jazz Dallas International Jazz Festival, Uptown Jazz Dallas Live on the Lawn at Klyde Warren Park, and our residency program Uptown Jazz Dallas Live!

We'll do all of this from the confines of this e-publication! On any given page don't be surpised to hear music, see video and more as part of the way we expose you to the venues and artists being shared as part of an Issue. It's dynamic! So, have your audio speakers on and the volume levels up!

Enjoy this first issue of Jazz BlastDFW from Uptown Jazz Dallas!

Keith Hill


Uptown Jazz Dallas

Publisher, JazzBlastDFW