Having been a successful promoter, what made you want to write a book? I've always felt that I needed to write my story because my life was so interesting and I’ve dealt with a lot of famous people but another part of me didn't want to do it because it had a sad ending. Again, I didn't think I was ever going to get out jail, so I rationed with myself that I would still write a story but it would be a different story , not mines. How did you feel making the transformation to an independent author in a totally new realm from party promoting? I wanted to tell a subliminal story to people who would probably never pay any mind to a spiritual story. People in the hood are written off as dumb, wicked and not worth the time to try to reach; especially our youth. I chose to disguise a spiritual message and let them take it for what it was worth and delve into how they saw fit. Do you feel that you accomplished your goal? It was successful for those who where able to grasp the concept. It was from 4 views. A lot of people could identify with the main character. The girl of his dreams, a lot of woman want to be. From a spiritual position you have the good and bad. Its like ying and yang , both sides of the coin. The book was seen from that prospective and the streets were watching so he had a lot to deal with, or survive in his quest to protect his own. His family, himself, his riches and his dreams. I'm taking the same plan I had in 1991 and using it in 2013; no problem. What is your definition of success? My definition of success is having a goal, constructing a plan, implementing it and reaching your goals. Some people have a goal of getting rich, hit the lottery and feel successful but they’re not because anything that comes easy goes easy, anything attained with hard work can be done again, cause you had a plan. Hitting the number may never happen again.