Chyna is a certified professional trainer from Laurel, MD. She’s responsible for a lot of the hot bodies you see in the DMV. To book a session with Chyna contact her at: 609-200-5825 Website coming soon!
I have been training now for a number of years; the most common thing that women are surprised to learn is how working your chest area is a good thing. For the average woman, she just wants to be fit, and the thought of over bulking is a scary thing. One of the biggest myths out there is working your chest will shrink your breast, but that’s not true. When working out and losing weight ,yes they may go down in size, but only because some of that is “fat”. And when losing weight you lose it everywhere, we don’t get to pick and choose where the weight comes off. So when in the gym abs, legs and cardio is the number one focus. However, working your chest can help tighten and lift the breast. Yes, that’s what I said; by toning your pectoral muscle you can help fight back against gravity and time as well as the harsh toll of motherhood. If you’re looking to firm and lift your breast via exercise, you may be able to obtain some improvement by tightening t HX??[]\??\?[???[??^?\???]??[??^\??\?H?[ZY[Z\?X?[?\??\?[???]\?[\?[??\??X?H??X\??\?Z[????][?H?]?X[\?X?^X?][??\?H\?HH?[X?\??\???????[??[?\??\??]]8?&\??\??]???????[??[?\??\??\?[?H\?H[?????]8?&\??^H[?HX?YH?\??\??\??Z[?[??[??]\??]?[?Z[?[?\??X??\?\???H[?Y???X?[???X?[[??H?Z[?[????][?H??[[?\]?[?[??]\??[\?[X?[[??\?[?[?\???K?\???[XY??Y??\?KH??[??H???H???[???\?[?[?X?[]H?\???H?\?^\??\?H???X?K?[?HX^H]?[??\?[?\?H[??\?H[?\??[??H^H?Z[????[?^\??\?H][????\???YH?\?]\??\?]?[??&][?\?Z\??ZY??[?Y?X[?H??Y[???[??\??????\?HX??\?[?^\??\?H?[?]K???[???]H?\?\?HYX[?^H?[\??HH????H?\?[?K?H]ZX?????][?[?]?^H?????[^Z[??N?HX??[\?Z[??[?XZ???X??\?H\?X?H[?\??X]H??X\??[?H^\??\?H]????HX???[[??????H??X\??\?\?\?X?X[H[\?[?Y?[?H]?HX]?K?Y??[????X\??[??HH?????\???Y\??X]\??\??[??\??[?Y?]?X??[^\??\?H\?[?[??X\?YY]X??\?KZ?H[??[???Z[?[???\????[??[?\?X??[??X\?\?[?\?Y]X??\?N?[[??[?H?\???[?Y\?]?[??[?[?x?&\?H?????[???]?[??X??[^\??\?\?[\??H[?\???\?K\??YX?\??X??[??X????Z[?[?[?[??HH??X\?Y?Y??X?????B??