UPS Market Vision Healthcare | Page 6

The UPS Capital ® Advantage: Healthcare 40% of Healthcare Executives Cite Product Damage or Spoilage as a Top Supply Chain Concern 1 Customer Problem A drug retailer ships perishable medications with a 48-hour pack out directly to patients via UPS NDA. The growing competitive nature of the industry is putting pressure on the company to find new and creative ways to offer an improved patient experience. Specialty Pharma and BioTech + UPS Capital ® Strategic Solution: UPS Proactive Response ® Secure Feature: Monitoring and Tracking Of All NDA Packages Benefit: Improved Customer Service Through Increased Visibility Feature: Ability to Recoup the Full Retail Value of Perished Medications Due to Delays in Transit Benefit: Protection of Profit Margin and Bottom Line Feature: Streamlined Claims Process Benefit: Operational Efficiencies That Save Time and Money Proprietary and Confidential: This presentation may not be used or disclosed to any person other than employees of customer, unless expressly authorized by UPS. © 2017 United Parcel Service of America, Inc. UPS, UPS Capital, the UPS brandmark, and the color brown are trademarks of United Parcel Service of America, Inc. All rights reserved.