Uproots Nation 2018 Issue 6 | Page 9

The End of the Show Approaches Angela Hunt, FlaRF Correspondent Time draws near where we move on to our next adventures. Are you ready? Have you done vehicle maintenance? Travel plans? Work plans? Have you tied up the loose ends still lingering? We've got one more week and weekend to see the sights, prepare to move on, hang out with friends who's journey may take them far from our own. Take a moment to remember to take care of you. Have fun! Clean up your campsite, prepare for the road and hug your friends. The road begins to call us all. May your year be excellent! Thank you everyone on site crew at Flarf, thank you Jac, Betty, and all the Flarf staff! It's been a season of good memories. Thank you for your hard work. Thank you for hot showers. Thank you for the many little things that make the show run smooth. Thank you for addressing issues as we've brought them up. DATE CHANGE: The Benevolent Order of Scurrilious Monks will hold their Weenie Roast for the Bay Area show on Wednesday, March 21st at 11:11 AM at Abbey’s Wigwam RV Park Sherwood Forest Faire Sherwood Weenie Roast Wednesday 4/11 at 11:11 Scarborough Renaissance Festival Camping fees are DUE IN FULL before you can get Bay Area Renaissance Festival at Abbey’s Wigwam RV Park: Pirate Bar open on Sunday evenings Monday Morning Breakfast and Bazaar Wednesday Nights Karaoke just down the road at Uncle Fat’s Tavern 8745 Temple Terrace Hwy, Temple Terrace, FL 33637 a campspot this year Danielle Guinn – Scarborough Operations Manager We just wanted to take this opportunity to inform everyone that if you (or your employees) are camping at Scarborough during the 2018 season, housing & deposit fees will be due in full before you are permitted to move into the campground. For most of you, this should not be a new rule – but it has been brought to our attention that it may bear repeating. This rule applies to all camping including RV’s (except for those living on site in booths). If the participant wishing to camp does not have the full camping fee before arriving at Scarborough, they will not be permitted to stay in the campgrounds until they have the full amount for their housing and deposit. Reminder, the camping fees for primitive spots are PER PERSON. There will be no exceptions made to these rules and so we wanted to give everyone time to plan accordingly. The campground will open on Monday, March 26 and close on Friday, June 1. If you or your employees intend to camp (not including those staying in booths on site), please fill out the form below to speed up the check in process. We look forward to seeing all of you in just about a month! If you would like to pay for your spot via credit card prior to your arrival or have any questions, please contact Mel at [email protected] or call 972-938-3247 x20.