College Counseling
US Arts
He concludes saying , “ Little children , keep yourselves from idols ” ( 1 John 5:21 ). What a helpful warning for us as the summer draws near ! Sometimes we think of idols as physical statues of people or gods that people bow down to or give gi�s to . �ose do exist in the world , but idolatry is a far bigger and broader concept than a statue . Listen here to Dr . David Powlison of Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation give an incredibly brief ( 3 minutes ) but helpful explanation of idolatry . It will both comfort and convict you .
Pastor Tim Keller also provides helpful words concerning modern idolatry . Summer provides a wonderful opportunity for self reflection and family reflection to consider places where you are allowing other things or other people to have the place in your affections and comforts and peace that actually belong to the LORD . May we all heed John ’ s warning to keep ourselves from idols !
College Counseling
�e month of May is all about the seniors , our Class of 2024 , and we love the many opportunities we have to celebrate our seniors . We love watching as the wall outside Ms . Wallace ’ s area fill up with the logos that seniors choose to draw to represent their destinations . It is bright and bold and colorful , and we love watching the class take pride in their choices . In this last month of school , we will continue to meet with juniors and sophomores as they continue to hone in on their goals for a�er high school , and this summer we will begin the application process with the Class of 2025 ! We look forward to sharing a full , comprehensive report on the Class of 2024 when the ink dries on their decisions a�er May 1 !
US Arts
Wednesday , May 1 : US / MS : 2024-25 Pep Band / Drumline spring workshop ( 3-5 p . m .) and interest meeting ( 5-6 p . m .), more info below Friday , May 3 : CPA Dance Showcase , AutHEntic , 7 p . m ., buy tickets Saturday , May 4 : CPA Dance Showcase , AutHEntic , 2 & 7 p . m ., buy tickets Monday , May 6 : US Dance Auditions , SDC , 6:30-8:15 p . m ., more info below Wednesday , May 8 : US Dance Auditions , US dance studio , 3-5 p . m ., more info below Wednesday , May 8 : US / MS : 2024-25 Pep Band / Drumline spring workshop ( 3-5 p . m .) Tuesday , May 14 : MS Band and Concert Choir , Sanctuary , 7 p . m ., SDC Wednesday , May 15 : US / MS : 2024-25 Pep Band / Drumline auditions ( 3:30-6:30 p . m .) Wednesday , May 22 : US / MS : 2024-25 Pep Band / Drumline summer music grab / drop-in
Pep Band & Drumline Student / Parent Interest Meeting Please plan to join us for the CPA Pep Band and Drumline interest meeting on Wednesday , May 1 , from 5-6 p . m . in the Lumen Hall Band Room . �is informational meeting is for students and parents , and at least one parent should attend with each student . �ere are some exciting things happening next year , so you won ' t want to miss it ! Please also pass this information on to anyone you know who might be interested in participating in Pep Band or Drumline next year . We ' d love to have them join us ! Please reach out to
US Dance Auditions Upper school dance auditions ( for rising grades 9-12 ) are Monday , May 6 , from 6:30-8:15 p . m ., in the SDC and Wednesday , May 8 , from 3-5 p . m ., in the US dance studio . Auditions are a two-day process . You are required to be at both dates for eligibility . Dress code is a CPA T-Shirt and leggings . No shorts . Please bring sneakers and