Upharmacia May 2017
and informational capabilities
of the IPMA to prepare for
entering the Ukrainian market
through obtaining from the
IPMA objective information
about market opportunities,
regulatory features and other
Pharmexcil is coordinated by
representatives of the biggest
pharmaceutical companies in
India – Dr. Reddy's Laboratories,
Sun Pharma, Ranbaxy,
Aurobindo Pharma, etc.
Moreover, officials of the Indian
government also included in the
administrative committee.
N ovalik -P harm
E xports
its F ood
S upplement to A ustria
Ukrainian company
Novalik-Pharm started
exporting its food supplement
Sitoprostat® for maintaining
healthy urogenital system in
men. The preparation was
developed and produced
by Novalik-Pharm. The main
component of the food
supplement (beta-Sitosterol)
prevents the development of
prostate adenoma. Austria is
the first non-CIS market to be
entered by the company. The
supply contract was signed with
local company OKOPHARM.
“Considering that Austria has
its own culture of consuming
food supplement, while the
legislation strictly controls their
quality and safety, we consider
the export to this country as
the recognition of the high
quality of our product,” the
Head of Novalik-Pharm stated.
Novalik-Pharm was founded
in 2013. It produces medicines,
food supplements, cosmetic
and hygiene products. The
company’s portfolio includes 13
B iofarma E nters
I ndian M arket
registered two preparations of
donor blood plasma in India.
According to the Exports
Director of the company,
Biofarma received the first
order on the shipment to India
of 60 ths bottles of Albumin and
20 ths bottles of Bioven Mono.
The company exports its
products to CIS countries as
well as to Mongolia, Yemen,
Republic of Korea, Egypt, Mexico
and Australia. Biofarma exports
about 32.5% of its products. The
company plans to open the new
plant for blood fractionation to
process up to 320 tons of blood
plasma per year.
M inistry of H ealth H as
O ffered F ull U se of O ld
P rescriptions
On May 23th, 2017 the Ministry
of Health of Ukraine published
draft “On Amendments to
Order of the Ministry of Health
of Ukraine No. 360 as of July
19th, 2005” for public discussion.
The draft provides for use
of prescription form number
1 (FA-1) of old pattern until
its exhaustion. Forms
number 1 are provided to
patients in pharmacies to
receive medicines under
reimbursement program.
Let us remind you that the
Ministry of Health of Ukraine
has recently made changes to
the Regulations on Prescribing
Medicinal Products and Medical
Devices, the Procedure for
Sale of Medicinal Products and
Medical Devices in Pharmacies
and their Units and the Rules on
Storage, Recording and Disposal
of Prescription Forms approved
by the mentioned order of the
Provided by
Ministry of Health No. 360.
Based on current regulations
the Ministry of Health of
Ukraine allowed parallel use
of forms No. 1 of old and new
pattern by July 1st, 2017. If old
forms are used, the prescription
should contain the following
— — corner stamp of healthcare