Upharmacia March 2017
Roche Won Lawsuit
Against the
In on Mar 1 , the Kyiv Economic Court satisfied the suit of F . Hoffmann - LA Roche AG on termination of the violation of patent ownership rights . The suit was against Hetero Labs Limited company regarding illegal registration by the MOH of the drugs containing capecitabine . In 2015 , the MOH registered two drugs CAPECITABINE ( Hetero Labs Limited , India ), ignoring the patent for the substance granted to Roche in 2001 . After conducting legal expertise in the field of intellectual property , the Court decided to satisfy the claim of Roche and to cancel the registration of the drugs . Capecitabine is used for the treatment of different types of cancer . It is released by Roche under the brand name XELODA ®.
Arterium Launched Antibacterial Uroseptic
Arterium Corporation expanded its portfolio with antibacterial uroseptic Urofoscin ( fosfomycin ). The drug is used for the treatment of acute bacterial infections of the urinary tract , in particular – acute cystitis . One sachet of Urofoscin is effective for the treatment of acute phase of cystitis . The drug is produced at the facilities of Kievmedpreparat .
Arterium Corporation was the second company on the Ukrainian pharmaceutical market by retail sales in 2016 . Antiinfectives for systemic use provide about 25 % of the total income to the company .
Antimonopoly Committee Analyzed Pharma Market
On 14 Mar , the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine ( ACU ) presented its Report for 2016 . The special chapter of the Report was dedicated to the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine .
The Committee defined the following issues with the functioning of the pharmaceutical market :
• The lack of the common approach to regulation of the markets ;
• The lack of harmonized and interconnected regulatory acts ;
• The inconsistency of regulatory acts of the MOH ;
• A lot of remarks regarding the initial stage of implementation of certain programs on reimbursement and reference pricing of medicines ;
• Insufficient development of health insurance , etc . Moreover , according to the ACU , the existing system allows all members of drug promotion chain to shift all financial risks to the customer . Thus , the Committee stated that self-regulation of the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine is inefficient .
The ACU also presented its propositions to solve the issues of the market :
• Introduction of reference pricing in regard to the most essential medicines to increase their affordability and launch a gradual movement towards reference pricing on all drugs ;
• Introduction of provisions on electronic registries of patients for the types of diseases treated for the state ( local ) budget ;
• Gradual movement from the current system of state price regulation ( through setting mark-ups ) to the introduction of reimbursement system ;
• Change of the model of healthcare provision through the introduction of compulsory social medical insurance ;
• Introduction of the term “ medical service ” in the legislation ;
• Establishing transparent relations in the sphere of promotion and marketing of medicines with consideration of the European experience ;
• Amendments to the License
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