Upharmacia July 2017 | Page 7

Upharmacia July 2017 has signed a contract with Farmak for 2.5 years. His primary aims on his new role are to gain 15% of the total market share of the local market and to increase Farmak's export by +54%. Mr. Dubnicka has been working as the CEO of Star Pharma Ltd and divisional CEO/ Member of Board of Sanofi S.A. broken cartridge holder may result in the device delivering a reduced dose of insulin which could potentially lead to high blood sugar. Novo Nordisk believes the risk of experiencing high blood sugar when using a device with an affected cartridge holder is low. N ovo N ordisk recalls B upivacaine -3N of Z dorovje N arodu is B anned to U se D ue to a L ethal C ase cartridge holders in certain I nsulin P ens Novo Nordisk is initiating a recall of insulin cartridge holders used in a small number of NovoPen Echo ® and NovoPen 5 ® batches because they may crack or break if exposed to certain chemicals, like certain cleaning agents. NovoPen Echo ® is used for insulin treatment by people with diabetes. Using a device with a cracked/ The recall is announced globally including Ukraine. The State Services of Ukraine on Medicines and Drugs Control has banned a series of Bupivacaine-3N produced by Zdorovje Narodu due to an officially recorded lethal case after the usage of the product. Zdorovje FF, Farmex Group, GNCLS Pilot Plant, is a part of the Zdorovje Group holding. A rterium R ecalls a B atch of C orvazan ® The State Service of Ukraine on Medicines and Drugs Control published an official ban on circulation and usage of Corvazan ® produced by Arterium due to the error on the package. The whole batch of the series No. 156226 has a discrepancy on packages. Corvazan ® is used in hypertension, chronic angina, and as adjunctive therapy in chronic heart failure treatment. Bupivacaine is used as a local anaesthetic. Zdorovje Narody, together with REGULATORY UPDATES T he M inistry of H ealth W ill R egister the F irst D rug U nder a S implified P rocedure On July 20, 2017, the State Expert Center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine presented a report on approval of registration materials for a medicinal product within the framework of a simplified procedure for registration of innovative medicines from countries with a severe regulatory system, which has been posted on the official website. Since the introduction of this procedure (Dec 30, 2016), three applications for registration have been submitted, but only the latter has passed the www.upharma-c.com expertise of the State Expert Center. Let us remind you that within the shortened procedure, the innovative drugs that have already been registered by the competent authority of the United States, Switzerland, Japan, Australia, Canada, as well as medicines that are registered in a centralized procedure by the competent EU authority, can be registered for use on territories of these countries or EU member states within 17 days. Now, most of the problems that arise when assessing the registration materials of the State Expert Center, which are the basis for registration rejection, are Provided by related to the following factors: • The lack of an opportunity to obtain clarification from the applicant for particular data from the registration materials and, as a consequence, the need for the SEC to reject applications in the event of any material mismatch; • The difficulty in verifying the medicinal product registration fact on the official websites of regulatory authorities due to the search difficulty on the sites of different countries; • Difficulty in confirming the 7