Upharmacia January 2017 (Special Edition) | Page 16
Upharmacia January 2017
their professional knowledge
and experience.
While, the pharmaceutical
producers do not have a
sufficient basis for the adoption
of a positive or negative
decision on the continuation of
business activities in Ukraine”,
the appeal of the EBA stated.
M o H P romulgated all T enders
for 2016 P ublic P rocurements
The MoH signed all contracts
and promulgated all tenders
on the public procurement of
medicines for the funds of 2016
State Budget, the Head of the
Ministry reported.
The funds for the procurement
of medicines under the State
Budget 2017 are expected
to come in Mar. In fact,
procurements for this year and
the previous year are to be
conducted in 2017.
The Ministry continues
cooperation with International
procurement organizations
(UNDR, Crown Agents and
UNICEF) within the delegated
public procurements.
of state policy in the sphere of
public health or for the omission
of his department.
Mr. Groysman said the
government is to arrange the
political consultation regarding
the appointment of the Head of
the MOH.
In Jul 2016, Ulana Suprun was
appointed to the position of the
acting Minister of Health and
currently holds the position.
On Jan 1, 2017, the Director of
Heat Institute started publicly
accusing Ulana Suprun and
the MoH management in
negligence and failure of public
procurements of medicines
and medical equipment for
the treatment cardiovascular
The acting Minister rejected the
accusations, while the Prime
Minister supported the MOH
management, calling it “an
absolutely incorruptible team
that has a chance to bring the
health care system to a new
U kraine ’ s PM is asked to
appoint H ead of the M o H
Parliamentary Committee
on Public Health appealed
Ukrainian Prime Minister
Volodymyr Groysman asking
to submit to the Parliament a
candidate for the post of the
Minister of Health with a view
to entrusting this person with
personal responsibility for the
formation and implementation