Upharmacia January 2017 (Special Edition) | Page 14

Upharmacia January 2017 pharmacovigilance system, without which circulation of medicinal products, vaccines and tuberculin is not permitted in Ukraine. Thus, the applicant must establish and manage at least one pharmacovigilance system, which consists of elements allowing for the monitoring of safety of medicinal products, vaccines and tuberculin and determining any changes in benefit / risk ratio, namely: i. that the applicant (permanently and continuously) has at least one qualified authorized person responsible for pharmacovigilance. Depending on whether the applicant is in Ukraine or not, the authorized person must be either an employee of the applicant (for applicants who are residents), or a contact person should be designated on the territory of Ukraine and be subordinated to the applicant’s authorized person (for non-resident applicants). These persons must have higher medical or pharmaceutical education (pharmacist, clinical pharmacist); into pharmacovigilance by entering into contractual relationships; vi. providing training of personnel of the applicant to carry out activities related to pharmacovigilance; vii. creation of pharmacovigi- lance quality system; viii. pharmacovigilance documentation processing, including its storage and archiving; ix. creation and support of the risk management system. ii. a structured system of organization of pharmacovigi- lance, its update and support; iii. documentation of all procedure processes; iv. creation and maintenance of databases used by the applicant for pharmacovigilance; v. involvement (if needed) of other legal and / or natural persons and enterprises, institutions and organizations 14 www.upharma-c.com