Upharmacia December 2017 | Página 7

Upharmacia December 2017 pharmaceuticals from India to Ukraine amounted USD 134 mio, making 28% of the total Indian exports to Ukraine. Members of the IPMA expects the exports to increase to USD 300 mio in 2018. export products for more than USD 10 bn. The leading Indian companies such as Sun Pharma, Dr. Reddy's, Aurobindo, Stride and Hatro are presented on Ukrainian pharmaceutical market. India is the third world’s producer of pharmaceuticals in volumes and 14th in values. Indian companies REGULATORY UPDATES 7% VAT on T ransactions with A ll M edical P roducts On Dec 7, Ukrainian Parliament adopted the Draft Law No. 6776- D dated Nov 14, 2017, which provided amendments to the Tax Code of Ukraine. According to the new norms, since Jan 1, 2018, VAT rate of 7% will apply to supplies of goods in the customs territory of Ukraine and the importation into the customs territory of Ukraine of all medical products not included in the state register of medical equipment and medical devices, or those that meet the requirements of the relevant technical regulations, which is confirmed by the compliance document, and are allowed for placing on the market and / or putting into operation and use in Ukraine. It should be noted that today 7% VAT rate applies exclusively to the operations of supplying in the customs territory of Ukraine and the importation into the customs territory of Ukraine of medical products based on the list approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. 20% VAT is levied on supply in the customs territory of Ukraine and the import into the customs territory of Ukraine of medical products not included in www.upharma-c.com this list. In addition, 7% VAT rate remains for supply operations in the customs territory of Ukraine and the import into the customs territory of Ukraine of medicines, medical products and / or medical equipment authorized for use for clinical trials, the permission for which is provided by the respective ministry. Provided by Thereby, the specialized International organizations will conduct procurement of drugs and medical devices for Ukraine under 39 directions. Read more regulatory news on Legal Alliance website T he L ist of D irection for P ublic P rocurement of D rugs E xpanded The Cabinet of Ministers promulgated the Resolution No. 975, which expanded the list of directions, under which International organizations conduct delegated procurement of drugs for Ukraine. The list included state programs for the procurement of drugs for the treatment of viral hepatitis B and C, the therapy of adult patients with cystic fibrosis, patients with tuberculosis, the procurement of tests and supplies for diagnosis of tuberculosis as well medical devices for patients with idiopathic family dystonia. 7