Your community’s
best source of child
care information
and resources.
Revelstoke Child
Care Society
Room 124-1001 Mackenzie Ave
Phone: 250-837-6669
Email:[email protected]
Before Baby Arrives:
Borrow pregnancy information books
Come on in and learn about community programs and services
for families.
Music CDs to enjoy with your growing child
After baby arrives join the Early Years Resource Library
to borrow (Parents of newborns receive a free membership):
Parenting books, baby board books and children’s books
A full range of early childhood development resources.
Developmentally appropriate toys
Infant and toddler equipment (including baby swings and
exersaucers etc.)
Ask our staff about Child Care Referrals and
information on the BC Child Care Fee Reduction
Initiative and Affordable Child Care Benefit.
The Child Care Society is a
non-profit organization that works
to provide parents with information
about quality child care choices and
early childhood development and
supports child care providers
through training, education and