Updated Prenatal Directory Joomag Prenatal Directory Update July 2017 | Page 10

Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada Women’s Health Information includes useful resources on pregnancy, labour, and Delivery. https://sogc.org/publications-resources/public-information- pamphlets.html or call: 1-800-561-2416 Healthy Families: This website is filled with up-to- date and practical information, useful tools and resources for women, expectant parents, and families: https://www.healthyfamiliesbc.ca/home/articles/topic/ pregnancy-birth Healthy Pregnancy-Healthy Canada—a website provided by the Government of Canada. This site includes resources on healthy eating and a healthy pregnancy. https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/healthy-living/ healthy-pregnancy.html A Healthy Pregnancy—information provided by the Public Health Agency of Canada. This site includes the Healthy Pregnancy Calendar, the Healthy Pregnancy Quiz as well as links and resources. Call (604) 666-2083 http://www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/hp-gs/quiz/quiz-eng.php Mother Risk: Nausea and Vomiting in Pregnancy Helpline: 1-800-436-8477 Mon-Fri, 5 am-5pm. Provides information on “morning sickness” and how to treat it. http://www.beststart.org/resources/rep_health/2013_pdfs/ BSRC_morning_sickness_online.pdf Medications and supplements in pregnancy website: http:// www.motherisk.org/prof/updatesDetail.jsp?content_id=690 8 Pregnancy & Dental Health: http://www.healthlinkbc.ca/healthfiles/ hfile38b.stm The Sensible Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy: Includes a ten-month pregnancy calendar to help you keep track. The guide also includes important facts and FAQs related to a healthy pregnancy including prenatal nutrition, physical activity, oral health and emotional health. http://www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/hp-gs/guide-eng.php