Upadhyaya April 2014 | Page 32

Delhi, Letter No.NCPCR/MS Sectt/State Comms./ 2007/10, dated 18.01.2008. 3. G.O.Ms.No.34, Dept. for W.C.D & S.C. (JJ), dt:0412-2012. 4. G.O.Ms.No.423, Dept. for W.C.D & S.C. (JJ), dt:18-12-2012. 5. G.O.Ms.No.5, Dept. for W.C.D & S.C. (JJ), dt: 25-03-2013. 6. From the Commissioner, Women Development & Child Welfare Department, A.P., Letter No.9512/H-ICPS/ PMI/2010, dt.12-08-2013, 28-10-2013 & 10.02.2014. -@@@ORDER : The following notification shall be published in the Extra-ordinary issue of A.P.Gazette, dated 19.02.2014. NOTIFICATION In exercise of the powers conferred under Section 18 of The Commissions for Protection of Child Rights Act, 2005 (Central Act No.4 of 2006), the Government of Andhra Pradesh hereby appoint the following persons as Chairperson and Members to the Andhra Pradesh State Commission for Protection of Child Rights (APSCPCR):1. Smt. K.Sujatha Rao, I.A.S. (Retd.,), Prashasan Nagar, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad. Chairperson 2. Sri Md.Raheemuddin, Appaiapally post, Lingal Mandal, Mahaboobnagar District (Legal Advisor to M.V.Foundation for Elimination of Child Labour) Member 3. Sri S.Muralidhar Reddy, S/o S.Ramchandra Reddy, Maruti Nagar, Kadapa (Legal activist) Member 4. Smt.(Dr.)Mamatha Raghuveer Achanta, Begumpet, Hyderabad (Social Worker & Founder Tharuni NGO) Member 5. Smt. Makkapati Sumitra, Tarnaka, Hyderabad (Child Rights activist & Executive Director, Ankuram NGO) Member 6. Sri Pochampally Achyuta Rao, Mansoorabad Post, Hyderabad (Social Worker & President, A.P. Balala Hakkula Sangham). Member 7. Sri Sarvakota Bheemalingam@ Balaraju,Pedawaltair, Visakhapatnam (Social Worker & Founder-CEO Nature NGO) Member ô|q¸Hé #Ó*¢+|ü⁄ $esê\ qyÓ÷<äTqT e÷s¡TŒ#˚dü÷Ô Áf…»Øø√&é dües¡D. GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH ABSTRACT A.P. Treasury Code Volume – I – S.R.72 (b) under T.R.16 Certain Amendment –Orders - Issued. ------------------------------------FINANCE (TFR) DEPARTMENT G.O.Ms.No. 61, Date:05-03-2014. Read the following: Lr.No.D (1) 2/2567/2011, dt :16.04.2012 of the DTA., A.P., Hyd. -oOoORDER : In the reference read above, the Director of Treasuries & Accounts, A.P., Hyderabad has informed that as per S.R. 72 (b) under T.R. 16 of A.P. Treasury Code Volume-I, monthly disbursement particulars have to be recorded in both halves of the PPOs. Accordingly, the PPOs are being issued by the Accountant General/Director of State Audit, duly attaching payment record sheets. Recently, the A.G., A.P., Hyderabad has changed the procedure discontinuing the attachment of the additional Sheets (for recording disbursement particulars) along with both halves of the Pension Payment Orders. Once Pension payments through the Banks have become mandatory, the necessity for recording the payment date in the Pension Payment Order has lost its purpose. Further on Computerization of pension payments, the required payment details can be accessed by the Pension Disbursing Authority through the systems and required report can be generated i.e., Pay Bank Reports, Pensions Bills, List of Payments without referring to the Pension Payment orders. 2. The Director of Treasuries & Accounts, A.P., Hyderabad has therefore requested the Government to issue orders dispensing the procedure of recording disbursement particulars in the both halves of the Pension Payment Orders and issue an amendment to that effect to the Codal Provisions contained in S.T. 72 (b) under T.R. of A.P. Treasury Code Volume – I. 3. Government after careful examination of the proposal hereby issue the following amendment to SR 72(b) under TR.16 of APTC Vol.I : AMENDMENT FOR 2. The appointment of Sri S.Muralidhar Reddy (at Sl.No.3 above) is made duly relaxing Rule 4(1) & (2) of the Rules of the A.P. State Commission for Protection of Child Rights issued vide G.O.Ms.No.5, Dept. for W.C.D & S.C. (JJ), dt:25-03-2013. 3. The Chairperson and every Member shall hold office as such for a term of three years from the date on which he assumes office (OR) till attaining the age of sixty five years in the case of Chairperson and sixty years in the case of Members whichever is earlier as per Section 19(1) of The Commissions for Protection of Child Rights Act, 2005 (Central Act No.4 of 2006). 4. The terms and conditions for payment of salary/ honorarium and allowances will be issued separately. (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE GOVERNOR OF ANDHRA PRADESH) NILAM SAWHNEY PRINCIPAL SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT ñbÕ<Ûë´j·T READ “Every payment of pension shall be [