the secretariat establishment. Whereas, the Head of
the Department is required to furnish information for
all offices at all levels, including the special / project /
adhoc / temporary offices under the control of the
department from the village to the headquarters.
For every office of the department located from village
level to the state level, including those at the mandal,
divisional, district, zonal and state level, the number
of sanctioned posts for every category of posts in each
unit office along with number of posts filled with
regular staff and number filled with those on deputation, contract, outsourcing, reemployed, retired
employee, etc., shall be indicated. The number of
vacant posts shall be computed duly deducting the
posts occupied by regular staff from the total
sanctioned posts.
All departments shall be guided by the provisions
dealing with the unit of localisation in the service rules
of their department with reference to the Andhra
Pradesh Public Employment Order 1975 dated October
20, 1975 and the successive orders issued by the
Government while reporting if a particular post located
in a particular office is classified as local cadre (district,
zonal, multi-zonal entirely within Telangana State or
Andhra Pradesh) or state cadre. As a general principle,
all posts other than local, district, zonal and multizonal (limited to either Andhra Pradesh or Telangana)
posts may be treated as state cadre posts. All posts
belonging to all cadres – including last grade, nongazetted, gazetted, etc., - in the secretariat and head
of the department may be treated as state-cadre posts
unless otherwise classified.
With specific reference to the state-cadre posts and
multi-zonal cadre posts, all persons working in these
cadres shall be entered in the order of seniority, as
per the existing seniority on March 01, 2014. If there
is any dispute pending in any court of law with regard
to seniority, the same shall be mentioned clearly along
with details and the action being taken. However, mere
inclusion of the name in the list or the order of seniority
indicated in the list does not confer any right of
seniority, if in dispute.
Special care should be taken to ensure that details of
the persons who are on leave, unauthorised absence,
under suspension, on deputation to other government
departments, working temporarily in other offices of
the same departments on administrative order or
working on deputation or any other modality with a
foreign employer including other governments,
Government of India, or any other agency, corporation,
society, autonmous institution, private organisation,
etc., shall be included strictly in the order of seniority
in the state cadre / multi zone cadre.
It shall be the personal responsibility of the Head of
the Department to ensure that all employees in state
and multi-zone cadres are included and no individual
is left out. The Head of the Department shall ensure
accuracy of the data entered with regard to the position
of the individual in the seniority in the respective state
cadre /multi zonal cadre posts.
The total number of posts for each category of state
cadre / multi zone cadre shall be reconciled with the
sanction orders issued from the Finance (SMPC)
Department. In any case the total number of posts
sanctioned to be entered in application shall not
exceed the number sanctioned for the department.
This information shall be furnished on or before March
31, 2014 positively. It shall be noted that extension
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of time will not be considered under any circumstances
as this data is urgently required.
3. All the Department of the Secretariat and the
Head of Departments shall take necessary action to furnish
the error-free information before March 31, 2014. Each head
of the department and the head of the secretariat
department is requested to nominate a senior officer as the
Nodal Officer exclusively for this purpose and inform his /
her mobile number and email id to the Finan