Up & Rising Magazine Nov. 2011 | Page 18

Artist of the Month

Let’s take a trip to Lynchburg, VA; home of the latest member of the Kurrupt Kommonwealth Movement, Brunson. Now this individual isn’t what comes to mind when you think of Hip-Hop nowadays. He’s different from what you hear on mainstream radio. He’s not your typical rapper. What is it that makes Brunson stand out? It’s his lyrical content. Brunson is an MC for Christ.

It wasn’t until December 2010 that he knew he wanted to be a rapper, but his love for music has always existed. Brunson tells us “In the winter of 2010 I rededicated my life to Christ and felt compelled to write my own remix to Eminem's hit, ‘Not Afraid’; the meaning behind it simply being, “not afraid”, to change your life and stand up for what's right, giving God total control. I recorded it with full auto-tune on the "I Am T-Pain" app on my iPhone, uploaded it to facebook, and based on the feedback that night I knew this is what I was meant to do.” He hasn’t stopped since.

When we asked Brunson to describe his style, he put it simple, “My style is positive; meaningful lyrics with a powerful message in a mainstream sound.” In his track “Everything” Brunson speaks calm and straight forward, telling his listeners that a life of nothing but partying can block them from reaching their highest potential. When you listen to “Mood Swings” you see that this MC is also built for the fight. He comes gritty and raw in his battle rap like delivery and causes you to realize that Brunson is someone to not take lightly.

With musical influences like Bob Marley, Drake, P.O.D., Eminem, Kenny Chesney, you can see that Brunson is very well rounded. He told Up & Rising Magazine “I love all genres of music and feeling the emotion each one gives off.” This is evident because it is reflected in every one of his recorded tracks. Besides Jesus, Brunson gives major credit to his brother, who is his biggest fan and also his #1 critic. The Lynchburg native tells us, “My brother is the one who has kept me chasing this dream. Even after nights I wanted to quit. I would not be where I am today had it not been for my brother. He is my best friend.”

Besides music, Brunson likes playing basketball. It’s his way to relax and get away from the studio, which he seems to find himself in a lot lately. As a matter of fact, besides dropping his latest single "Everything", Brunson is also currently working on his debut EP which will drop in the spring of 2012. His fame is growing quickly, as he was awarded his 1st show where he opened for a local rapper and was given a 30 minute slot! Taking the stage like it was second nature Brunson rocked the mic and moved the crowd.

At the end of our time with Brunson he left us with this: “My goal in music is to deliver a positive, Christian message in a way that everyone can fully understand and relate to. I aspire to be the best at what I do, but at the end of the day, I find my identity solely in Christ.”

For booking information on Brunson contact [email protected] or [email protected].

Other links on Brunson:




