UOB Undergraduate Prospectus 2016 | Page 8

Why choose Bradford? Tackling global challenges WHY CHOOSE BRADFORD? Leading the way as a technology university 06 BRADF B56 The world is facing major challenges — ill health, poverty, climate change, energy and water supply, and food security are global, systemic, and complex problems, requiring for their solution a deep understanding of science, engineering, and social, political, and cultural behaviour. As a leading technology university, we use knowledge to create value and tackle these challenges. We provide high-quality teaching that is underpinned by cutting-edge research with practical applications to solve tomorrow’s problems. 2016 A strong heritage with a modern outlook In 1882, when we became the Bradford Technical College, the city of Bradford was the textile capital of the world, with its renowned products reaching the four corners of the globe. Today, our world-class teaching reaches out to those same four corners, bringing students from over 150 nations together in one place of learning excellence to tackle the challenges of today’s society. Academic excellence with hands-on experience We have an extensive network of trusted industry contacts to help your transition into employment within your chosen career. We collaborate closely with local, regional, national, and multinational businesses from across all sectors of the global economy. U ND ERGRAD UATE PROSPECTUS