UOB Undergraduate Prospectus 2016 | Page 25

The City and surrounding area is also alive with arts and cultural activities, both to take part in or be part of. The National Media Museum is one of the most visited museum attractions outside London, while the Alhambra Theatre is a major touring venue offering top West End shows, contemporary dance and ballet. As well as offering the opportunity to watch, make and show, Arts on Campus offers a wide range of casual employment for students. There’s also a wealth of grassroots culture to explore, from artist sound walks around historic Manningham to the flourishing poetry and local music scenes. OVER 12,000 people enjoy and create art on campus The University of Bradford’s campus is home to one of the most experimental theatre spaces in the region. At Theatre in the Mill, artistic director Iain Bloomfield provides a space where artists can follow the old advice – it is a place where they can fail, fail again, fail better. YORKSHIRE POST Full more details please visit: www.bradford.ac.uk/arts UN DE RG RADUAT E PROSPECTUS 2016 BRADF B56 23 WHY CHOOSE BRADFORD? Fellowships in the Arts have played a central role in the University’s educational fabric since it was founded almost 50 years ago, encouraging self-reliance, interaction and a broader understanding of community among the student body.