UOB Undergraduate Prospectus 2016 | Page 19

A green oasis With sustainable buildings, edible gardens and Rocket composting systems, our award-winning campuses are green oases in the urban centre of Bradford, providing the ideal learning environment for sustainability. You can even sign up to a bee-keeping course to look after the University’s own beehives or buy second-hand furniture at our furniture recycle store. Find out more about our sustainable campuses at: www.bradford.ac.uk/ greencampus Centre for Sustainable Environments It’s green, you have trees, you have grass, you have coffee shops, a cinema, club nights… you can eat, walk, play football – you have everything you need on the campus Our Centre for Sustainable Environments leads on interdisciplinary approaches that integrate technological, organisational and societal solutions to meet 21st-century environmental challenges. It is home to a dedicated team of specialists from across the University who are developing the knowledge and capabilities that will enable more sustainable environments to be created. DRAGOS ILAS, BSC BIOMEDICAL SCIENCE STUDENT WHY CHOOSE BRADFORD? Our Ecoversity programme, launched in 2005, embeds sustainable development across everything that we do. We have won several international awards and are well on our way to achieving our carbon footprint reduction target of 50% BY 2020 UN DE RG RADUAT E PROSPECTUS 2016 BRADF B56 17