UOB Undergraduate Prospectus 2016 | Page 16

Why choose Bradford? WHY CHOOSE BRADFORD? Facilities providing a real-world experience The Anthropology labs and their extensive skeleton collections were brilliant learning tools, allowing us to visualise landmarks on bone and compare natural variants in specimens. We continue to invest in building our world-class facilities having already spent over £120m in the last 10 years to give you the most rewarding academic experience possible. JOANNA MOORE, BSC (HONS) FORENSIC AND MEDICAL SCIENCES GRADUATE From our realistic Crime Scene House to our three Clinical Simulation Suites, our multidisciplinary engineering lab and our Outside Broadcasting Truck, all our Faculties boast state-of-the-art equipment and the latest industry-standard kit to put your knowledge into practice in real-world environments. 14 BRADF B 56 2016 U ND ERGRAD UATE PROSPECTUS