Minding Your Business
Minding Your Business
Ms Seda Cokcetin
Minding Your Business is a podcast series made by UNSW Business School students for all students across all levels . The project is a collaborative piece , co-designed by undergraduate , postgraduate and alumni students . The conversations tackle topics around mental health , student success , and wellbeing within professional careers . It hopes to share stories through lived experience and humour , making it accessible to everyone .
The series explores topics like inclusive leadership ; women in leadership ; imposter syndrome and dealing with self-doubt ; burnout and dealing with failure ; and building resilience in your job search .
A sense of visibility is important and can create a sense of belonging and community , especially when personal stories are shared . Minding Your Business brings in perspectives of industry leaders by exploring their experiences around equity , success , wellbeing and diversity , and how they overcome challenges or setbacks . The series hopes to empower and support students to achieve their very best .