Empowering Students with Wellbeing and Resilience Skills and Strategies UNSW Leadership Foundations Program
What is the UNSW Leadership Foundations Program ? The UNSW Leadership Foundations Program is a university wide development program . This AHEGS recognised program involves blended learning experiences through a series of six modules , one of them being Wellbeing & Resilience .
The Wellbeing & Resilience Module
The Wellbeing & Resilience module focuses on evidence-based * skills and strategies to expand personal capacity when encountering challenges .
Students create a personal self-care plan which covers four aspects of wellbeing : Mind , Body , Emotions and Social .
Self-Care Plan
During the workshop , students practice skills that can be used to navigate setbacks and change including :
Controlling Impulses Managing Emotions & Empathy
Emotions Social
Optimism & Flexible Thinking Seeking Support , Self-efficacy & Confidence
Our Student Experience
" I really enjoyed Module 3 as [ this was ] the most impactful for me as I didn ' t regard / prioritise my own wellbeing , nor how important genuine and meaningful relationships [ are ]. I may have gone without ever discovering [ these skills ] for the rest of my career had I not participated in the program .” – 1 st Year , Bachelor of Commerce / Computer Science Student
100 % of students believe the skills covered are valuable and important for their future
95 % of students would recommend the Wellbeing & Resilience module
“ Found it really great , definitely need more of this sort of thing for students , I think it ' s really beneficial .” - 4 th Year , Bachelor of Medical Studies / Doctor of Medicine Student
“ I still reflect back and apply [ my learnings ] in my dayto-day life ” – 1 st Year , Master of Construction Project Management / Master of Property and Development Student
* The theories drawn upon include PERMA + ( Seligman , 2013 ), 5-Ways to Wellbeing ( New Economics Foundation , 2008 ), SEARCH framework ( Waters , 2019 ), and the Resilience Factor ( Reivich & Shatté , 2002 ).
Authors : Olivia Tunks and Amanda Carlon
Co-Curricular & Student Development team , UNSW Employability