Challenges and Strategies Information |
Activity Background and Explanation |
Some of the main “ challenges ” to online engagement such as poor communication , a tendency to “ free ride ” during group collaborations , and internet connectivity have been identified during the activity which are depicted by different “ bricks ” in the wall . To ensure that the online activity remains collaborative and fosters joint knowledge building as well as individual learning gains , approaches such as modelling online behaviour , online shared documents , optimal group size , heterogenous group composition and a reward system to encourage students ’ interactions were incorporated in the redesign .
Modelling online behaviour
Heterogeneous group composition |
Academic References |
Gilson , L . L ., Maynard , M . T ., & Bergiel , E . B . ( 2013 ). Virtual team effectiveness : An experiential activity . Small Group Research , 44 ( 4 ), 412- 427 Hofstede , G . J . ( 2002 ). Exploring culture : Exercises , stories and synthetic cultures . Boston , MA : Intercultural Press . Kaendler , C ., Wiedmann , M ., Rummel , N ., & Spada , H . ( 2015 ). Teacher competencies for the implementation of collaborative learning in the classroom : A framework and research review . Education Psychological Review , 27 , 505-536 . DOI 10.1007 / s10648-014-9288-9 |
Poor collaboration |
Poor Internet |
Social loafing |
Successful Engagement |
Student Comments
“ Placing us in random groups replicates the real-world challenges where I learn how to communicate with new people and confidently express my opinions ”
“ We should not be silent in a discussion , and we should actively express our views , so as to arouse the enthusiasm of other team members and make the discussion livelier ”
“ I enjoyed the cross-cultural team challenge because it was a very new experience for me to be involved in communication in a different role than my every day one .”