UNSW’s Education Festival 2021 | Page 44

Psychology & Wellness A Stepped Care approach to Mental Health

Stepped Care is a staged approach to the delivery of mental health services , comprising a hierarchy of interventions ; from the least to the most intensive .
In a stepped care approach , a person seeking support is connected to the services that meet their needs and as their needs change , the services change with them . It has the capacity for the individual to step up and step down to different levels of care as they move along the path to recovery . This is fundamental to a person-centered approach to mental health care
Self help
Guided Self help and groups care Longer
term individual therapy
Brief individual therapy




Complex disorders . Secondary and tertiary coordinated


Informational online self-help


Psychoeducational & therapeutic workshops
Interactional online selfhelp and Therapist assisted e-mental health


Shared care
Intensive individual Therapy
Individual face-to-face and telehealth
Martin Healy , Deputy Lead Psychology & Wellness Renee Griffin , Team Lead Wellness Support