UNSW’s Education Festival 2021 | Page 3


Our inaugural Education Festival celebrates the work of UNSW educators , bringing together insights , ideas , and experiences from across the university .
The week-long program of events provides an opportunity to reflect on the triumphs and challenges of delivering education and student experience excellence during the pandemic .
We are delighted to be offering the opportunity for staff to deliver and discuss digital poster presentations as part of the Festival .
The themes of the presentations include learning by doing , student success and wellbeing , program re-design , and micro-innovations .
I encourage you all to engage with the posters in this booklet , as well as to interact with colleagues and friends in the online platform and poster gallery Gather . Town .
I look forward to joining you in celebrating the teaching and learning practices of our talented educators and staff .
Best wishes ,
Professor Rorden Wilkinson Pro Vice-Chancellor , Education & Student Experience