UNSW’s Education Festival 2021 | Page 18

Digital Assessments @ UNSW : Inspera

Digital Assessments @ UNSW : Inspera

Mr Faisal Khattak , Mr Benny Baharuddin
UNSW ’ s ambition to provide high quality education to students here and abroad “ anytime , anywhere ” requires an underlying digital assessment platform that complements the many ways we teach .
Inspera is a global leader in digital assessments that will :
• Be simple for students to use
• Provide a consistent assessment experience
• Provide central live support in exams , and
• Allow staff to complete the entire assessment lifecycle in one system
Inspera is a feature rich assessment platform and UNSW academics so far report that it ’ s prompted them to introduce improvements in setting assessments up and has made marking more efficient .
Inspera will be the default for high stakes / end of term exams and assessments , and by 2023 a majority of assessments will be conducted on it . Over 150 courses have piloted Inspera through 2020 / 2021 with 120 convenors and 14,000 students successfully completing assessments in Inspera . Throughout 2022 , all faculties will begin moving course assessments onto Inspera , allowing us to significantly reduce the burden placed on Faculty staff to administer high stakes assessments .
Find out more about Inspera and take the opportunity to ask your burning questions on what Inspera means for you , your faculty and your students .