UNSW’s Education Festival 2021 | Page 13

Educating the Sustainable Built Environment Professional

Facing the Challenge

Sustainability and sustainable development are all-encompassing and not limited to one discipline , location , or community . Definitions don ’ t provide a meaningful explanation Its complex nature challenges the teachers of sustainability

Interviews with practitioners on sustainability practice
Sustainability interconnects with everything we do and everything that happens around us . Interconnectivity essentially varies from place to place , activity to activity , and event to event . Classroom teaching and hypothetical projects are limited to known scenarios . Sustainability is related to some known and many unknown settings and scenarios that are interdependent and interconnected .
Students Visiting North Connex Tunnel during construction - SUSD0016 Sustainable Infrastructure
• In educating the sustainable built environment professional , teachers face the challenge of creating conditions for the students to be innovative in responding to a myriad of situations that emerge in the built environment .
• Moved away from hypotheticals , created real-life opportunities for students to feel and experience sustainability rather than being taught through classroom exercises .
• Significant parts of our courses are devoted to real-life practical engagements to encourage spontaneity , insightful and critical thinking , and genuine reflection .
Students presenting at the Responsible Construction Leadership Group - SUSD0016 Sustainable Infrastructure
Gary White NSW Chief Planner in conversation with students – SUSD0001 Sustainable Development and Urban
Environment foundation , 2017 ) The quality of engagement between the industry and the course , students and class instructors , amongst students themselves , and the space for students to use their imagination determined the effectiveness of the knowledge creation and sharing to educate the sustainable built environment professional .
Dr Sarath Mataraarachchi – Course Convener ; Liam Apter – Student SUSD0001 ; Sunanda Peri – Student SUSD0001 , School of Built Environment , Faculty of Arts , Architecture , and Design .
Shift from current linear business model to a long term resilient and regenerative model : Adaptive cycles not only eliminate food waste but also replenishes the living systems like soil by giving back its nutrients to aid in food production ( Macarthur