UNSW’s Education Festival 2021 | Page 11

ng Purposeful Learning ustainable Investing

ng Purposeful Learning ustainable Investing

ng , exemplary and taboo communication in client meeting scenarios . Students reflect on the communication dynamics and techniques that they observe in the videos . The final blog includes an executive summary of a personalised financial plan and a client engagement strategy summary for their chosen career . The individual blogs is leveraged to build the learning community where the instructor initially posts in the online forum and encourages students to lead in subsequent weeks . The instructor also provides comments to demonstrate teacher and cognitive presence [ 2 ] and promote student replying to other students ’ posts and praise effort [ 3 , 4 ] to reinforce community development .
An exemplary MyExperience comment : “ the interviews / adviser meetings were a great use of original learning content that was very helpful in understanding the purposes and application of our studies .” Another course that adopts this practice is Sustainable and Responsible Investing . A reason that it won the 2021 Ideas Worth Teaching Awards is its “ creative finance pedagogy that invites personal reflections by students and helps to integrate environmental and social impact perspectives into their worldview .”
347-364 . , cognitive and social presence : Student perceptions of the community of inquiry framework .
rformance . Journal of Personality and Social Psychology , 1998 . 75 ( 1 ): p . 33-52 . rsonal Characteristics Can Be Developed . Educational Psychologist , 2012 . 47 ( 4 ): p . 302-314 .