UNSW Writing Style Guide UNSW Writing Style Guide | Page 49

Do use the decimal point if you need to include cents , or if you are writing a list where some figures require cents and some don ’ t :
Tickets are still available for the event , priced at $ 52.50 for members and $ 60.00 for non-members .
For copy that refers to Australian currency only , there is generally no need to use a currency marker . If you are writing for an international audience , or mentioning currencies from multiple countries , include a currency marker at all times :
$ A34 , $ NZ4000 , $ US100,000
A $ 34 , AUD34
For countries that use a currency other than the dollar , you only need to use the symbol for that currency . Some countries place the currency symbol after the amount , so always check the conventions for the currency you are writing about :
34 €, £ 100,000
€ 34 , 34 euros , GBP100,000
Unless an exact conversion is necessary , round off amounts when converting . For example , convert £ 200 to $ A350 rather than $ A354.59 .
Currency names do not require an initial capital : American dollars , British pounds , euros
American Dollars , British Pounds , Euros
Writing Style Guide | Numbers and measurements 49 | Back to contents