• Vietnam : People usually have three names : the family name first , then two given names ( for example , ‘ Nguyen Co Thach ’). Use the third name in subsequent references , except when the person has adopted a pseudonym that cannot be split – which is a common practice in Vietnam . An example is ‘ Truong Chinh ’, which means ‘ Long March ’. In that case , use all names in subsequent references . Wherever possible , check the origin of each name .
In marketing copy , refer to people using their full name in the first instance , followed by their preferred given name in subsequent references . There is no need to use honorifics :
Janine Lopez is the head of the company . Janine says that …
In news articles , media releases and other more formal contexts , such as annual reports , retain honorifics for subsequent references , including for athletes , artists and journalists :
Ms Janine Lopez and Dr Lisa Chang met on Tuesday . According to Ms Lopez …
Scientific names
Italicise scientific names . The first word ( the generic name ) takes an initial capital , but use lowercase for the second word ( the specific name ):
Homo erectus , Macropus rufus ( red kangaroo ), Acacia elata
This applies even when the species name is adapted from a proper name : Eucalyptus dawsonii
Italicise subsequent references , but only use the first letter of the generic name : H . sapiens
Do not capitalise or italicise the common names of animals , as you would their scientific names : eastern rock wallaby , northern hairy-nosed wombat
When writing a news article in a feature style , using surnames without honorifics is common . Consider the context and subject matter of the piece to decide whether the feature style is appropriate . Some people take exception to being referred to without an honorific .
Do not refer to members of parliament as ‘ the Hon .’ except in formal contexts . Some parliamentarians consider this form of address irrelevant ; others consider it essential , so always check .
Always check a person ’ s preferred name and title before publishing . See ‘ Foreign names ’ and ‘ Academic titles and honorifics ’ for more information .
Writing Style Guide | Naming Conventions 42 | Back to contents