UNSW Writing Style Guide UNSW Writing Style Guide | Page 29

A person who was assigned male at birth and affirms their gender to live as a woman is a ‘ trans woman ’, whereas a person who was assigned female at birth and affirms their gender to live as a man is a ‘ trans man ’.
A person may also use ‘ trans ’ as an adjective marker as part of a longer identity title . For example , a person may identify as trans-feminine non-binary , which means that they have a non-binary identity or trans identity that connects mostly with femininity .
It is important to use a space between words for trans people ( trans man / trans woman not transman / transwoman ) A lack of space between the two words turns the word ‘ trans ’ from an adjective to a prefix , which modifies the noun ‘ man ’ and implies that trans men are something other than men .
More information
This section of the style guide was developed from multiple sources including UNSW Human Resources ( especially hr . unsw . edu . au / diversity / index . html ), UNSW ’ s Division of Equity Diversity & Inclusion , Reach Out Australia ( au . reachout . com ), MindFrame ( mindframe . org . au ), the Australian Network on Disability ( and . org . au ), ACON Pride in Diversity programs ( prideinclusionprograms . com . au ), People With Disability Australia ( pwd . org . au ) and GLAAD ( glaad . org ) and # TransEquality ( transequality . org . au ).
Intersex people are a diverse population with many different intersex traits and other characteristics .
Intersex Human Rights Australia uses the following definition of intersex : Intersex people have innate sex characteristics that do not fit medical and social norms for female or male bodies , and that create risks or experiences of stigma , discrimination and harm .
Individual people with intersex variations use a variety of different terms , including being intersex , having an intersex variation or condition , having an innate variation of sex characteristics , or naming specific traits .
Darlington Statement
In March 2017 , a joint consensus statement by Australian and Aotearoa / New Zealand intersex organisations and independent advocates called the Darlington Statement was published . It sets out the priorities and calls by the intersex human rights movement in these countries , as well as information about meaningful allyship .
Ally Network
The Ally @ UNSW Network is a group of UNSW students and staff trained in LGBTQIA + issues to support diverse genders and sexualities . If you would like advice or support , you can contact the Network ( https :// student . unsw . edu . au / ally / contact ).
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