UNSW Sub-brand style guide v5 | Page 6

Brand toolkit

Other than the use of the UNSW logo , your collateral should utilise the UNSW brand toolkit . This includes brand assets like colours , fonts , shapes , patterns , systems , iconography and photography style . You can find more information about these elements in the UNSW Visual Style Guide or the more detailed Master Style Guide .


Secondary Accent


Tertiary Accent


Your difference propels you forward .

Collective Difference

Shape & Patterns

ABCDEFGHIJKLMN OPQRS TUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopq rstuvwxyz 123456 7890 ;':",./<>?!@#
ABCDEFGHIJKLMN OPQRS TUVWXYZ abcdefghijklm nopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 :/?!#

To ensure that your brand stands out while still appearing as part of the UNSW brand family , you can flex some of these elements to create a more unique look . For example , while you are still required to feature some yellow in your collateral , you can choose to lead with any of the other UNSW accent colours . You can choose to use all the UNSW shapes or pick one or two to use repeatedly . You can also develop your own photography style that adheres to the broad principles outlined in the Visual Style Guide .


Small Detail

If you have other ideas on how you would like to flex the UNSW elements or are unsure about correct application , please contact us at brand @ unsw . edu . au .

Long headline running on few lines , goes here .
Ad undusaesci que non ped quunt quam fuga . Ut ped estis magnis si imus evenecesequi consequ atiberu me int . Ads undusaesci que non ped .

Headline on few lines goes here .

Small Detail

Short Headline