UNSW Future Climate Booklet | Page 18



> ClimatePods capitalise on existing relationships and resources to ‘ meet people where they are ’ in boosting climate preparedness .
> The ' kitchen table conversations ' resource pack empowers pods to collaboratively plan and resource their preparedness efforts , elevating resilience beyond the individual level .
Empower your social network to respond to extreme events
Research project
The Anthropocene ' s changing climate heightens the risk of natural disasters , emphasising the need for innovative , adaptive , and empowered local responses .
Climate-resilient communities require resources , knowledge , and autonomy to confront these threats . The UNSW Bushfire Research Group ( Dr . Katie Moon ) in collaboration with colleagues from Australian National University ( Dr . Sophie Yates ) and University of Canberra ( Dr . Elise Remling ) are leading this crossjurisdictional project to foster climate empowerment at the community-ofinterest ( or ' pod ') level .
Existing disaster prevention resources in Australia target individual households or communities-of-place . However , there ' s a gap in preparation at the community-of-interest scale , pre-existing social networks where individuals share a common interest , passion , or goal and who connect regularly to exchange knowledge and resources . Leveraging these relationships , characterised by trust and support , is crucial for effective disaster planning and recovery .
By empowering communities-of-interest , this project enhances long-term resilience through tailored resources , including talking prompts , principles , and adaptable tools , catering to each pod ' s specific needs .
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