UNSW Future Climate Booklet | Page 13


AI research for climate

Data-driven sustainability research to advance climate resilience
Research group
It is pivotal for disaster management sectors to have accurate , localised weather information . This research project aims to enhance the precision of weather forecasting and climate downscaling . The team is also pioneering the use of AI to downscale lower resolution weather datasets into fine-grained , region-specific forecasts .
> ARC Industrial Transformation
220 Research Program ( ITRP ) on
whole-life design of carbon neutral infrastructure .
> Global weather forecasting model performs competitively with state-of-the-art forecasting models .
Practical steps include the development of machine learning algorithms that produce accurate global weather forecasts and achieve comparable results to operational Numerical Weather Prediction models without the computational complexities .
The project also focuses on leveraging analytics and AI to enhance carbon performance across the infrastructure lifecycle .
The project is currently in the early phases of national scale-up .
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