UNSW Future Clean Energy Booklet | Page 45



Teaching kids to be renewable energy transformers through gamification
Research project
To inspire the next generation and help them understand the crucial changes in our energy systems , we must engage them from a young age using innovative approaches .
Energy Transformers , a novel mobile game , offers upper primary to lower secondary school students an engaging way to learn about renewable energy , air pollution , and climate solutions . The game ' s content is closely aligned with the Australian curriculum , making it a valuable educational tool .
> Classroom testing identified improved understanding of renewable energy policy in children who played the game .
> Circa 3,600 engagements pre-launch .
The vision is to expand the game by creating additional modules that develop essential skills and competencies while sparking children ' s interest in the diverse range of clean energy careers . By nurturing their passion for sustainable energy solutions , the game aims to empower students to become future leaders and innovators in the field , driving the transition to a cleaner , greener future .
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