UNSW Future Clean Energy Booklet | Page 21


Real-time Simulations laboratory ( RTS @ UNSW )

Real-time insights for tomorrow ' s power system
The Real-Time Simulations Laboratory ( RTS @ UNSW ) is shaping the future of power systems . Its focus on integrating inverter-based resources ( IBRs ) into the grid marks a crucial move towards a more sustainable energy system . Leveraging its advanced simulation capabilities , RTS @ UNSW pioneer solutions that enhance the reliability , efficiency , and adaptability of power systems in the era of increasing renewable energy sources .
The lab undertakes projects involving large-scale IBRs and energy storage solutions , distributed renewable energy resources ( DERs ), as well as medium- and high-voltage DC systems ( MVDC / HVDC ), and the creation of power system digital twins .
The contributions of RTS @ UNSW extend beyond solving the technical complexities of power systems integration ; they are instrumental in advancing the adoption of renewable energy technologies , driving the evolution of technical standards , and laying the groundwork for global energy sustainability initiatives .
> Implementing grid-forming capabilities through battery energy storage systems , including the project at Broken Hill Battery Energy Storage System .
> Creation of S-NEM2300 , a publicly available synthetic network model of the National Electricity Market ( NEM ) designed for comprehensive power system analysis and the incorporation of inverterbased resources ( IBRs ).
> Active participation in the IEEE Power & Energy Society ( PES ) Task Force focused on developing innovative teaching methods for contemporary power and energy systems .
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