UNSW Business School PRME SIP Report 2021 December 2021 | Page 58

Principle 6 | Dialogue

We will facilitate and support dialog and debate among educators , students , business , government , consumers , media , civil society organisations and other interested groups and stakeholders on critical issues related to global social responsibility and sustainability .
Two themes of UNSW ’ s Strategy 2025 Update relate to the concept of facilitating and supporting dialogue on critical issues :
> Knowledge exchange ( Strategic Priority B : Innovation & Engagement ) – UNSW will “ engage with government , industry and the community to enable the translation and impact of our research to advance social progress and sustainable economic prosperity ”.
> Thought leadership ( Strategic Priority C : Social Impact ) – UNSW will “ lead public debate based on evidence and critical thought , and promote informed discussion and policy formulation on the most pressing issues facing humanity ”.
6.1 Staff and Student SDG Surveys
To start the dialogue about which SDGs our stakeholders are passionate about and what they would like to see prioritised by the Business School , a few surveys are being conducted . Amongst other questions , respondents are asked to choose the five SDGs that the Business School should focus on . The results for staff and student surveys are shown in Table 10 and 11 , respectively . The results from Business students were identical to staff , with the exception that students prioritised SDG 11 over SDG 17 .
UNSW and the Business School engage in many ways with stakeholders and communities to inform industry practice , public debate and policy . Below are some examples – in addition to those provided in previous sections of this report .
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