KEY DATES 2022 Official mentoring period : 5 July – 14 October 2022
A Guide for Mentors
Chartered Accountants Australia + New Zealand partners with the UNSW Business School to deliver the Career Mentoring Program .
Mentors must be UNSW Business School and / or AGSM graduates or UNSW Business School industry partners and have at least five years of professional business experience . Mentors are required to spend a minimum of five hours with one mentee over the course of fifteen weeks .
During this unique time for our community , UNSW is committed to providing safe opportunities for alumni and industry partners to connect , mentor and learn . This year , the program will continue to provide flexibility , with the option of in-person and online mentoring sessions . Online options include face-to-face video conferencing ( such as Microsoft Teams , Skype or Zoom ), phone and text , email and instant messaging ( such as WhatsApp ). Meetings are arranged by the mentor and mentee with no formal check-ins from UNSW Business School , to allow the mentorship to develop organically .
The mentoring program is a formal university extracurricular activity that is included on students ’ Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement . Therefore , it is important you commit to the minimum number of five hours to ensure your student meets the requirements for their Graduation Statement .
You may wish to spread your meetings out evenly over the fifteen weeks or conduct them all within a shorter period . It is a good idea to work out a schedule with your student during your first meeting .