UNSW Academic Poster eBooklet Post-Event version | Page 39

References : Hernández-de-Menéndez , M ., Guevara , A . V ., & Morales-Menendez , R . ( 2019 ). Virtual reality laboratories : a review of experiences . International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing ( IJIDeM ), 13 ( 3 ), 947-966 . Pirker J ., Lesjak I ., Kopf J ., Kainz A ., Dini A . ( 2020 ) Immersive Learning in Real VR . In : Magnor M ., Sorkine-Hornung A . ( eds ) Real VR – Immersive Digital Reality . Lecture Notes in Computer Science , vol 11900 . Springer , Cham . https :// doi . org / 10.1007 / 978-3-030-41816-8 _ 14 Smith , S ., & Hewston , R . ( 2020 ). Opening the Door to the Virtual School : Enhancing Student Engagement through Online Learning Communities . In Flexibility and Pedagogy in Higher Education ( pp . 109-121 ). Brill Sense .
Grant : Science Student Experience Grant , Faculty of Science 2020
Poster Authors Gee is a senior technical officer within the School of BABS who is leading the digitalisation of BABS teaching resources to enhance student learning experience and engagement . He is the project lead for the Science Student Experience Grant on the creation of virtual laboratory lessons using immersive technology . Also , he is currently leading an educational research investigating the impact of the use of Electronic Laboratory Notebook in laboratory learning .
Tammy is a technical officer within the School of BABS who facilitates the online delivery of laboratory teaching in the disciplines of Microbiology , Biochemistry and Molecular Biology . She spearheaded the project involving the creation of instructional video resources in courses across all the undergraduate stages .
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