The theme of the 2020 Learning and Teaching Forum — Learning without limits : Leading the change — challenges us to think about how we can continue proactively shaping learning and teaching at UNSW .
The Forum provides a wonderful opportunity to reflect on the lessons learned in 2020 , from the triumphs and the challenges , to reinforce our common desire to make the UNSW experience the best possible learning environment for our students . We are delighted to be offering digital poster presentations this year , where presenters have a range of delivery options . The poster presentations are shared with the UNSW education community to showcase innovations and good practice .
A key focus of the Forum and the Poster presentations is to highlight the practices and pedagogies that have met the challenges of this unprecedented year . The themes of presentations for this year include the future of assessment at UNSW , capability building , developing an online community , synchronous & asynchronous lectures , and course design .
We encourage Forum participants to engage with the Posters , learn from colleagues and reflect on the possibilities presented by our many and varied teaching practices .
Professor Rorden Wilkinson Pro Vice-Chancellor , Education & Student Experience
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