Striving to
eat clean
and stay fit!
Melissa Litchfield, MPH
All my life I knew there was going to eventually be a time where I had to work hard to keep
weight off because I come from a long line of
obesity, heart problems, diabetes and hypertension. Being 5’ 2”, on the short side, I have
always been the petite one in the family, but
once I hit my 20’s I started to gain weight a lot
more easily. After turning 21, I was eating
whatever I wanted, drinking whatever I wanted and my weight was no longer easy to control. I was working out about once a week but
I wasn’t REALLY challenging my body. I tended to do the same exercises every time I went
to the gym. After moving from Cape Cod, Massachusetts to New Orleans, Louisiana I noticed
that I was packing on the pounds even faster!
My husband and I were constantly going out
trying new restaurants and drinking at various bars almost every weekend. This IS normal
in New Orleans, however this wasn’t normal
for me and my body was paying the price.
After Mardi Gras 2013 I decided to try Shakeology, a nutritional shake that provides phytonutrients, antibiotics, probiotics and much
more benefits! I was introduced to Shakeology
late 2012 by a friend, but I never really was
serious about nutrition and my health until the
spring of 2013. I chose to invest in Shakeology.
It really did do all of the things it said it would
do; Shakeology reduces my cravings for junk
food, keeps me regular, helps me lose weight,
keeps me full and provides substantial energy
after my workouts and throughout my day. All
of the ingredients in each flavor of Shakeology
are ingredients that I can actually read and am
familiar with. Shortly after starting Shakeology I decided to try a Beachbody workout program called Focus T25 and get serious about
sticking to a clean diet and exercise. Focus
T25was created by Sean T who is also the
creator of Insanity. Just after five weeks I
started seeing results and lost five pounds and
inches off my waist! The workouts are intense,
but I quickly was nailing every workout. I
never get bored and I am always sweating!
This is quite a change for someone who ALWAYS went to the gym or went running for
their exercise.
I am actually saving $65 a month from cancelling my gym membership. That’s $780 per
year! I would have to say the investment that
I have put into Beachbody and its products
really does pay for itself. I love Shakeology and
believe in this product so much that I decided
to become a Beachbody independent coach.
This gives me a chance to tell my story and
spread my knowledge of these awesome fitness products to friends, coworkers, family
and now YOU, the UN.sung Magazine reader!
Please feel free to visit my Facebook™ page
(link below) and get INSPIRED! I want to hear
your story and how I can help you! Or stop by
my Beachbody page called Slice of Healthy
(link below). I am also looking for people to
join my Beachbody team, so if you are interested in making a change in your life and get
others on board please feel free to email me at
[email protected].
By ellen kemprowski
Since the debut issue of UN.sung, I have
shared several of my favorite savings tips and
resources in this column. I hope you have
been able to utilize some of the information to
get “More for Le$$”, especially during the recent holiday shopping season.
Did you know that you can access all of the
previous More 4 Le$$ columns on our blog
visit: to catch up on
any columns you may have missed or to contact me with any questions or feedback.
I am always looking for new ways to save and
will continue to share any new information
with our readers throughout 2014. To kick off
the year, I’d like to hear from YOU! I invite
you to share your favorite money saving tips,
suggestions and resources by visiting our blog
page and clicking “Fan Mail” in the upper
right corner. I may even include some of your
suggestions in an upcoming column later this
Looking forward to hearing from you! In the
meantime, I hope 2014 brings you all good
health, wealth and happiness!
BY PAUL Tlanda
American Hustle
American Hustle is a movie that is relatively
close to the ABSCAM of the late 70’s and early
80’s. Irving (Christian Bale) is a con artist who
lives a normal life [